Portfolio Template for InDesign
Portfolio Template for InDesign
The Portfolio Template for InDesign is a tool to show not only your previous works but your potential with new works or designs. Download the Portfolio Template for InDesign and edit in a simple way. The Portfolio Template will help you to design a modern and product for your clients. This template offers to you a modern and easy way to edit your own design. Since the template has been designed in format, you will be able to send it directly to pre-production.
This InDesign Template has been designed to ensure its layout is as multifunctional as possible. Quickly and easily customize the editable text areas. You can download this template in the following sizes:
- A4 210 x 297 mm + bleeds
- US Letter 8.5 x 11 inches + bleeds
Change the Main Fonts
If you need to change the sources as required by your Brand Manual: you can do it quickly and easily.